A Few Good Rolls

And its back in business. Neglecting the bike over the first few months of 2012 in order to complete a charity half marathon, these past few weeks its been ‘All about the bike’ again. And what a welcome return it was! I enjoyed a handful of really good riding, catching up with friends and feeling a world more comfortable pushing it, thanks in no small part to going and getting my feet sorted out at Cyclefit. 

 A nice hilly tarmac chase in Surrey to ease me back in the game with the sartorial guru 
We took an undiscovered turning and found a peach of a climb on a SMCC roll
Which then turned into a sick 2k bridleway/gravel track. Perfect for a Flanders day ride!
At the weekend I rode my 3rd HOTN with Rowlandi. Great fun, read about it here
And i spent some time sucking this guys wheel in RePk apres work – I dont actually know him but he looked pretty damned pro. So thanks for the cheeky draft I was getting 😉

Rapha Rendezvous App

You may or may not be familiar with the tagline ‘Where the hell is Fausto?’
Rapha has today launched its group ride locator app called ‘Rendezvous’… all for the price of a gulp of fresh morning ride air. After an initial play around iv got to say the app looks great, especially for bigger groups looking to coordinate their rides. Iv now badgered 2 of my skids boys into downloading (tough luck Jimmy – ‘should have got an iphone’)
Im going to try and plan a midweek ride with a friend through this, so hopefully will work a treat and avoid lengthy email chains and last minute changes to routes/times. I say get ye over to iTunes right now and download, its not often there’s a free app actually potentially worth its weight in cycling gold, so take advantage….