Get Well Soon James!

Just a little note to say “GET WELL SOON YOU F**KING HERO” to a girls’ best friend, JR. Some knuckle-head driver knocked old Jimmy-SM off on the commute and now he has a mashed up collarbone. Look on the brightside James, your shoulder is gonna be PRO with all that shiny metal pinnage in. And dont forget, Blame = Claim = New Fraaaaaaame!

JR, Waller Pain Day 2012

Back To Earth

Apologies all for the lack of updates on this wee blog over the last few weeks. Life has indeed traversed its way through a fantastically busy period, crowned in no minor  fashion by a week of pure indulgent riding on the most incredible beautiful and brutal terrain in Italy. I took a over a week truly offline in every sense, enjoying the sensations of pushing myself and doing little other than riding my bike in the beautiful sunshine with some amazing company. Anyway! I am indeed sadly back from the bubble of breathtaking beauty and standing with a firm foothold back in blighty. Check back throughout this coming week to see some reviews trickling their way onto blog from Capo, Rapha and Condor to name but a few, and perhaps even a sneaky pic from the land of Italia. Vai Vai Vai! 

A Few Good Rolls

And its back in business. Neglecting the bike over the first few months of 2012 in order to complete a charity half marathon, these past few weeks its been ‘All about the bike’ again. And what a welcome return it was! I enjoyed a handful of really good riding, catching up with friends and feeling a world more comfortable pushing it, thanks in no small part to going and getting my feet sorted out at Cyclefit. 

 A nice hilly tarmac chase in Surrey to ease me back in the game with the sartorial guru 
We took an undiscovered turning and found a peach of a climb on a SMCC roll
Which then turned into a sick 2k bridleway/gravel track. Perfect for a Flanders day ride!
At the weekend I rode my 3rd HOTN with Rowlandi. Great fun, read about it here
And i spent some time sucking this guys wheel in RePk apres work – I dont actually know him but he looked pretty damned pro. So thanks for the cheeky draft I was getting 😉